Greeting cards are a great way to tell somebody you love them, but what happens when you've collected dozens of them over the years? While you can throw them away, there's no need, as greeting cards are easily recyclable. At least most of the time- there are certain circumstances that make them impossible to recycle. Thankfully, that situation can be remedied. Greeting Cards Are Usually Made Of Paper And Cardboard
13 May 2016
Are you interested in scrapping or selling your old car for parts? If so, then you'll want to begin by searching for reputable scrap yards in your area. Scrapping your car is a great way to get some cash in your pocket while also saving yourself the hassle of finding a buyer for your vehicle. Still, before you scrap or sell your car, there are a few important tips you'll want to keep in mind.
11 May 2016
When it comes time for a business to dispose of its obsolete information technology assets, often these items are thrown into a dumpster or other improper means of disposal. Some precautions may be taken with data storage devices, such as hard discs, but much of these outdated or broken equipment is simply thrown away. There are several reasons that this should be avoided. The following are three of the most important reasons to use a professional company for this type of disposal.
9 May 2016
Family reunion season is just around the corner. Many families tend to use the summer, Memorial Day weekend, and Independence Day to organize massive family gatherings with second, third, and fourth cousins. If you look forward to seeing your great aunt Bertha and your second cousin Eddie, but do not look forward to the after-party clean-up, here are some tips for making these gatherings cleaner and easier. Move the Bathrooms Outdoors
29 April 2016
Rims can be an expensive part for your car if you are buying them new. Whether you need to replace a damaged rim, need a rim so you can upgrade to a full-size spare, or want a set of rims so you can keep your snow tires mounted, used rims provide a cost-saving alternative to new. You can find used rims, often in near pristine condition, at an auto recycler yard.
25 April 2016